Different Types of Meditation

I feel like a lot of my problems would solve themselves if I was consistent with journaling. There are many things that I need to think through. If I am uncertain of a decision, I most effectively decide by journaling my thoughts. I often recommend journaling to others, yet I don’t do it as much as I should. Maybe it’s time to listen to my own advice.

When I think of ways to regulate my nervous system, I realize that I need to meditate more. And meditation is usually NOT sitting still with no thoughts or something like that. There are so many ways to meditate, and guided meditations are effective. Whether you’re listening to a guided meditation on youtube or guiding yourself, I feel like the focus of meditation is to calm the mind and observe your thoughts. Let them float by, and see what comes to mind. Let your subconscious be heard for a moment, to see what you really need to work on.

I personally love active meditations, where i’m doing something that calms the mind. For me, this can be drawing, journaling, gardening, crocheting, making jewelry, and even doing the dishes. I find all of these activities meditative, but I’m sure that everyone has their own ideas of what kinds of active meditation work for them. Some people exercise, and notice mental health improvements, and don’t realize that this is a type of meditation. Swimming, reading, and hiking also calm the mind.

As you can see, meditation is not very strict. It can really be anything that calms the mind and regulated the nervous system. There are also mental meditations, and I listed a few ways to start here.

I am going to start meditating more, in many different ways. I hope that these ideas inspire you to incorporate meditation into your daily routine. (:




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